Ubuntu, an open source code-driven operating system based on Linux, is constantly being used in our country as well. However, a new error, news, will disturb Ubuntu lovers. Completely free and free Linux-based operating system Ubuntu is being developed by the volunteer Ubuntu community as it was established under the leadership of South African entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth. This platform, which was officially used in 2004, is being used by many people in our country. However, a Ubuntu security oblivion that has come to the present has made users uneasy.

The error that occurred in Ubuntu 16.04.4 and later versions was originally launched in June. However, although the situation was not clearly disclosed to the public, many people were aware of the situation. The error posted on the Ubuntu Launchpad, besides Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu also affects 14.04, 16.10 and 17.04 updates.On the line that opens the users' computers to the third party, the security obligation becomes active if the user enters Linux and then puts the machine into sleep mode after opening any programs. The computer, which is not protected against attack, can be accessed by waking up with a password. The security dilemma that can not be solved at the moment can even cause users to change the operating system.