Saturday, June 9, 2018

The 3 Most Important and Effective Battle Tactics That Changed the Flow of History

What we call 'war' requires intelligence and foresight as well as the strategic use of forces and resources. Every step to be taken, it also carries with it a great responsibility.
In this news, you will find the tactics of the military deeds that have analyzed all the parameters of war in the best possible way and have taken correct and proper steps ...
Crescent, wolf trap or turntable
We can define wolf trapping, often practiced by Asian peoples, as a 'basic war strategy'. This tactic, which has been passed on through a battle analysis far beyond its age, has yielded results, especially against bulky armies.
Shock and terror
Shock and terrorism tactics, in 1996, were taken from the National Security University faculty. This tactic, which can be summarized as 'win over military surplus', is based on dragging the opposite side to the panic. Sudden and intimidating fear of the enemy with the use of an extreme force-technology.