Monday, August 13, 2018

Google's Artificial Intelligence Company DeepMind Can Detect Vision Disorders

London-based DeepMind, owned by Google's parent company Alphabet, announced that eye diseases could be diagnosed using artificial intelligence.
DeepMind, bought by Google in 2014, continues to work for the use of artificial intelligence in health care. According to the study published in Science magazine, DeepMind succeeded in detecting more than 50 eye disorders with artificial intelligence. The company, which cooperates with the Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, has announced that it has trained algorithms to detect the same accuracy as specialist doctors. Artificial intelligence also has the ability to correctly suggest the most appropriate treatment for patients and prioritize the most urgent care needs.
With a project that started two years ago, DeepMind developed machine learning using thousands of historical and fully anonymous eye scans to identify diseases that could lead to visual loss. According to the study, the system can diagnose at 94% accuracy. The company thinks that artificial intelligence will play a bigger role in health and eye examinations will be done with this method.London-based Babylon Health has announced that the artificial intelligence technology it has developed is capable of testing the general practitioners in Britain and is more successful than humans. In March, a group of researchers found that artificial intelligence could better classify the anatomy of a heart than a human being.Diagnosing eye diseases from ocular scans is a complicated and time consuming process for doctors. In addition, the aging global population and increasingly widespread eye diseases mean that the burden on health systems increases. For these reasons, a suitable environment for the entry of artificial intelligence into the healthcare sector has emerged. Pearce Keane, consultant consultant at Moorfields, used the phrase "The number of eye scans we made is growing much faster than human experts can interpret."Keane stated that this situation is likely to cause delays in the diagnosis and treatment of vision-threatening diseases, which may be devastating for patients. Using artificial intelligence for examination may mean earlier diagnosis and therefore earlier treatment for patients. DeepMind's artificial intelligence was trained using a kind of eye scanner, but the researchers indicated that it was compatible with any model. In addition, artificial intelligence can explain how doctors reach a certain diagnosis, which allows doctors to examine whether the machine has been diagnosed correctly before proceeding with the treatment.
Artificial intelligence should be passed through clinical trials and approved before being used in hospitals. "Optometrists are very excited about the potential of the artificial intelligence to help the illness because the first call point for people with ocular disease is often the indication," said Martin Cordiner, head of research at the UK Optometrists College.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Disney Develops a New Simulation System to Make Animations More Realistic

Disney has developed a new system that will use in all its animations, giving more attention to detail and increasing reality.
Film studios, animation, when it comes to flawless effects to be done with computers, they are very confident in editing. But things are getting a little harder when the details and calculations are things that need it. The fact that the hair is not realistic enough in animations and that the movements are limited is one of the problematic subjects, but Disney seems to have a solution.
Disney Research, a team dedicated to producing Disney animations and technology for theme parks, has developed a new system that simulates hair by making small calculations to make hair more challenging in animations. This new system, which calculates the movement and effect of hair in a simulation environment using only a few hairs, will provide a much more realistic look.

The most basic and guiding idea of the work is based on the fact that the view is detailed and realistic. It is calculated over how many hair tresses will move their hair according to the applied force and how strongly this effect will affect the surrounding objects. For this animator, this simulation is a kind of guide.

The simulation system is expected to be developed and used in games and many different areas in the future. The development work of the system, which can be used for many detailed elements, continues.

The data shows that Internet users now want to read serious content

The studies show that users want to read quality content on the internet. Especially Facebook usage turned out to be more and more gone.
Although there are exceptions, the content sharing of users is getting smaller and smaller, and this has big consequences for brands. Today, 400 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube and 567,000 photos are shared each day at Snapchat. As the number of social media applications increased, it was easy to create and distribute content. Moreover, overall interaction is constantly declining on social networking platforms. In a study by Moz, he found that 50 percent of Facebook's publications received two or less reviews and comments. Surprisingly according to BuzzSumo, in two years the number of shares fell below 50%.
Meanwhile, for the first time since 2015, Google has taken back the leadership lead of the primary referral traffic for publishers' websites, and the search engine once again became popular. He saw some things that did not go well on Facebook, and in January 2018 he changed the News Feed algorithm. Publishers of social content such as Upworthy, ViralNova, Elite Daily and Distractify have also fallen shortly.Social media traffic, which was more than 90 million in January 2017, fell to 48 million in January 2018. In general, publishers of social content have fallen by 11.3 percent after a time when the sector has become a judge. People are getting serious and want better quality content. According to BuzzSumo, seven of the ten most widely shared Harvard Business Review articles in the last five years were published in 2017. The New York Times average share increased fourfold between January 2015 and September 2017. People now want to read quality content and articles, so social media must urgently go to great changes.

Ubuntu Error Finding Your Computer When Opening 3rd Person

Ubuntu, an open source code-driven operating system based on Linux, is constantly being used in our country as well. However, a new error, news, will disturb Ubuntu lovers. Completely free and free Linux-based operating system Ubuntu is being developed by the volunteer Ubuntu community as it was established under the leadership of South African entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth. This platform, which was officially used in 2004, is being used by many people in our country. However, a Ubuntu security oblivion that has come to the present has made users uneasy.
The error that occurred in Ubuntu 16.04.4 and later versions was originally launched in June. However, although the situation was not clearly disclosed to the public, many people were aware of the situation. The error posted on the Ubuntu Launchpad, besides Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu also affects 14.04, 16.10 and 17.04 updates.On the line that opens the users' computers to the third party, the security obligation becomes active if the user enters Linux and then puts the machine into sleep mode after opening any programs. The computer, which is not protected against attack, can be accessed by waking up with a password. The security dilemma that can not be solved at the moment can even cause users to change the operating system.

Generating with 3D Printer Super Root Platform

The development of 3D printer technology has made itself indispensable in many industries, from the defense industry to the industry. But now these are included in our homes. Low-cost desktop 3D printers represent the aspect of this printing technology that is more accessible and affordable. Now you do not have to go to any adventure to find these types of printers, because all you have to do is order and wait. Nik Ivanov, who made an initiative in this regard and made his own camcorder, was able to attract a lot of attention in the Internet world.
Nik Ivanov took the issue in general, and realized that he could create a whole system of systems that could print small pieces of this technology. Nik then helped build a four-wheel traction platform with help from some electronic devices and M3 screws. Moreover, it should be noted that this tool is rather cute rather than useful.
The size of this new Rover platform, named "Watney-4" by Nik is 120mmx190mm. So any desktop 3D printer that can produce a body as large as it is, it's enough to create your own walking camera platform. Nik prints all parts with PETG (raw materials available in 3D printers) for the production of some specific parts, such as transmission gears. Because this material provides the most detailed and durable shape of the upper and lower parts of the body. Nik recommends TPU material for tires, but if you do not have TPU, you can wrap around the wheels with any soft plastic or material to get a soft rubber tread.

Monday, June 11, 2018


ABAP is one of the 4th generation dilden with a lot of application focus developed in the 1980s. ABAP was the reporting language for the SAP R / 2 platform, which initially allowed large companies to develop their business applications for resource management financial planning.

ABAP was also an abbreviation for Allgemeiner Berichts Aufbereitungs Prozessor, meaning "general report-making processor" in German, but was later called Advanced Business Application Programming. ABAP was one of the first languages ​​to include a logical database concept that provides a high level of abstraction from the basic database level.

The ABAP programming language was originally used by developers to develop the SAP R / 3 platform. SAP customers were planning to use ABAP to develop SAP applications where customers could develop customized reports and interfaces. Learning for language programmers is fairly easy, but it is not a tool that can be used directly for non-programmers. In order to be able to create ABAP programs, relational database design and programming skills, preferably object-oriented concept knowledge, are required.

When ABAP was first released in 1992, SAP was configured to create programs for the client-server R / 3 system. In 1990, SAP applications and systems were written in ABAP together with developing computer hardware. Until 2001, the most basic functions of the whole system were written in ABAP. In 1999, SAP released ABAP objects as an extension to ABAP, along with R / 3 version 4.6.

SAP's newest development platform, NetWeaver, supports both ABAP and Java.Application
Where does the ABAP program work
All ABAP programs are found in the SAP database. Java and C ++ programs are not stored in separate external files. All ABAP codes in the database are available in two ways: source code that can be displayed and edited with ABAP Workbench tools, and "generated code" in binary notation that can be thought of as a Java bytecode. ABAP programs run under the control of the runtime system, which is part of the SAP kernel (kernel). The runtime system is responsible for handling ABAP statements, controlling the flow of screens, and responding to events (such as a user clicking on a screen button). One of the key components of the ABAP runtime system is the database interface that translates database-independent ABAP expressions ("open sql") into expressions ("native sql") that DBMS (database management system) on the base can understand. The database interface handles all the communication with the relational database on behalf of the ABAP programs and also includes extra features like getting the application server's frequently accessed data in the built-in memory.

SAP's three different layers are the database layer from which the entire database is acquired and stored from the presentation layer (GUI), the application layer (programs run on top of it), and the user-created situations and commands from the presentation layer of the end user.

The ABAP language environment, which includes syntax checking, code generation, and the runtime system, is part of the SAP core component. SAP-based is the technological platform that supports all the students of SAP applications, typically implemented in the framework of the SAP web application server. In this respect, SAP-based can be seen as the operating system on which SAP applications operate. Like all operating systems, it includes both SAP-based low-level services (eg memory management, database communication or web-prompting) as well as high-level tools for end users and administrators. These tools can be executables (SAP kernel) that run directly in the underlying operating system, or they can be ABAP-developed or web-based interfaces. SAP provides an abstraction layer between SAP-based, business applications, the operating system and the database. This allows applications not to be directly dependent on a particular server or database platform, and to be easily moved from one platform to another.

SAP based on z / OS (officially zSeries, S / OS) on UNIX (AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Linux), Microsoft Windows, IBM System i on i5 / 390) systems. Supported databases are DB2, Informix, MaxDB, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server. (Support for Informix has been removed with SAP Basis 7.00).

SAP systems and formatting
All SAP data is available at an SAP prompt and all SAP software runs on this system. Such a system consists of a central relational database and one or more application servers (instances) that access data in databases and applications. An SAP system contains at least one or more instances for reasons such as size and performance. In a multi-sample system, load balancing mechanisms distribute the load to the appropriate application servers. Web application server installations typically consist of three systems: the development system, the testing and control system, the production system. Formatting can include more systems: we can use the unit system and discrete systems for pre-production testing, the formatting can include fewer systems, for example, without a discrete quality control system, we can only consider a format with development and production systems, editing is used. ABAP programs are created in the development system and given the first test. It is then distributed to the different systems in the format. These processes are under the control of the replacement and transport system, which is responsible for concurrency control, version management and placement of programs on quality control and production systems.

The Web application server consists of three layers: the database layer, the application layer, and the presentation layer. These layers work on the same or different physical machines


* set an exclusive lock at level object-type & object-id
 IF NOT lf_bapi_error = true.
   IF ( NOT istourhd-doc_type IS INITIAL ) AND
      ( NOT istourhd-doc_id IS INITIAL ).
               obj_typ        = istourhd-doc_type
               obj_id         = istourhd-doc_id
               foreign_lock   = 1
               system_failure = 2
               OTHERS         = 3.
     IF sy-subrc <> 0.
*       terminate processing...
       lf_bapi_error = true.
*       ...and add message to return table
       PERFORM set_msg_to_bapiret2
            USING    sy-msgid gc_abort sy-msgno
                     sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4
                     gc_istourhd gc_enqueue_refdoc space
            CHANGING lt_return.
 ENDIF.    " bapi error

Saturday, June 9, 2018



The development of PHP began in 1994 with a set of CGI (English: Common Gateway Interface) Perl scripts for managing Rasmus Lerdorf's personal website. With the help of these scripts, Rasmus displayed his CV on the site and recorded the site's visitor traffic. After a while, I re-encoded these scripts with C to interact with web forms, communicate with databases and work faster, and gave this application a Personal Home Page / Form Interpreter (PHP / FI, English: Personal Home Page / Forms Interpreter). Creating dynamic web sites in a simple way with PHP / FI was quite easy. On June 8, 1995, Rasmus announced the first PHP / FI application in a Usenet discussion group to speed up the debugging process and improve the source code, called Personal Home Page Tools (PHP Tools). Key features such as Perl-like variable definition, form management, and the ability to place HTML code between script codes that exist in PHP by 2013 were also available in this first release. Although the syntax was generally similar to Perl, it was more limited and simpler, but more inconsistent. PHP / FI 2 was officially announced in November 1997 after a month of development and testing with a development team.

Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans rewrote the separator in 1997 and replaced PHP 3 with the language PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. This was followed by the start of the test phase, which was open to everyone in PHP 3, and PHP 3 was officially announced in June 1998. Suraski and Gutmans developed Zend Motorunu in 1999 by codifying PHP from scratch and then set up a company named Zend Technologies in Ramat Gan, Israel. [6]

On May 22, 2000, PHP 4, powered by Zend Engine 1.0, was announced and actively developed until it reached version 4.4.9 as of August 2008. [7] Today the development of PHP 4 has been discontinued and no improvements have been made, including security updates.

On July 13, 2004, PHP 5, powered by the new Zend Engine II, was released. PHP 5 offers much more possibilities for object oriented programming, with a fairly consistent and fast interface for accessing databases via the PHP Data Objects (PDO) plugin, as well as numerous performance improvements. In 2008, the release of the consistent version of PHP 4 was discontinued, and PHP 5 development was the only consistent version to continue. PHP did not have Late static binding, but with version 5.3 this was a major downgrade. [9]