If you intend to buy a computer, which computer do you prefer? Here we will help you as a computer collection guide and make it easier for you to build your own collection and computer of your needs and preferences. Because a computer is made up of many different pieces, you may not know what to pick up on the collection PC. In our PC top guide we will also tell you what all the parts are doing and which one you should choose.
The first step to realizing a computer collection job correctly will be the need determination phase. Because our needs will determine which parts to use in our computer.
Identification of Needs
Your use of a computer will shed light on how you will shape it and which parts to choose. We can categorize the possible scenarios as follows:
Business PC:
If you are going to work on office documents, open documents, check email, do research on the internet, create reports and presentations, you need a business computer. A job will not require much processor power and will not perform complex video calculations because it will not be used in demanding jobs such as computer games and 3D modeling. As a result, you will not have to spend money on high-priced computer hardware. On such business computers, we can make our piece choices on economical equipment.
If you are working as an editor like us or if you are entering content while following certain resources, you can include a 2nd monitor in your collection system and you can keep the amount of RAM slightly higher than a standard business computer because there will be many tabs open at the same time in your browser.
Multimedia PC:
From computers for multimedia purposes, you can use video, series, movies, listen to music, make voice and video calls over the internet, and play small and simple games such as Okey and Backgammon when you get a place. For hardware such as a processor, video card, etc., you will not need to choose very expensive parts on this computer. An important element at this point may be the choice of a large monitor. Peripherals such as monitors, speakers, webcams, keyboards and mice will be more important than hardware in this system created for enjoying visual content. In terms of hardware, a business computer can be selected with almost the same economic parts.
Game PC:
Nowadays, the graphics have improved considerably. This brought with it the increasing amount of processor load and the amount of computation that the graphics processor is falling on. For this reason, if you want to play contemporary games, you have to choose more powerful hardware instead of economic parts in the processor, video card and RAM. In addition, you will need a stronger source of power as your system needs more power and power. Increasing warmth, the growing video card size will force you to buy a wider computer.
3D Modeling and Render Purpose PC:
On such computers, the processor load will be high. Also, the rendering process can take so much time if there is a lot of RAM on your system. If you want to create a render computer for this reason, we recommend you to use a powerful processor, a high amount of RAM and a powerful graphics card that can handle the rendering process. Increasing power consumption and warming similar to gaming computers will require you to use additional cooling fans and a power source with a higher output. Sometimes more than one graphics card can be used in such systems. So you may need to choose a large computer kiosk.
We'll pick it up and pick up the pieces after we determine what purpose the computer will use. When picking up a computer, the first thing to do is to choose the processor. Because we will make the rest of the pieces on the processor.

Processor is the general unit of calculation that allows you to carry out all the tasks in your computer. There are a few criteria we can consider when choosing a processor:
Processor Speed:
It is expressed in GHZ and is the main determinant of processor performance.
Processor Socket Structure:
The socket structure of the processors express their form of connection to the computer. When you install a processor in your computer, you need to install it in a special processor socket. This processor slot can also vary depending on different processor models.
The socket structure is expressed by Intel brand processors such as LGA 775, LGA 1155, LGA 2011. In AMD brand processors, Socket AM3 +, Socket FM2 and so on are named. It is very important that you know the socket structure of your processor; because you will choose your motherboard according to this socket structure.
We can make an evaluation according to the requirements in selecting the processor:
Business PC:
On the computer you will use for business purposes, an economic processor will see your business. Even the lowest priced single-core processors in the market are sufficient for business computers. If you are going to open multiple browser tabs at the same time in your computer, you can also browse dual core processors if you want to run more than one software at the same time.
Multimedia PC:
It can be said that such computers have the same processor criteria as those for business purposes. However, we recommend that you choose a dual-core processor if you are going to play browser-based games while you are playing a video or listening to music on the backplane, or if you want to have voice or video chat.
Game PC:
If you plan to play computer games with high graphics quality, such as GTA 5, Witcher 3, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Battlefield 4, we recommend that you choose a minimum dual core processor, 4 core or higher performance processor as a recommendation. On a gaming computer, the parts that require the highest budget will be the processor and graphics card. For this reason, we recommend that you open the mouth of the interrupter in the processor. Even with most dual-core processors, current games do not meet the minimum system requirements. You can choose a 4-core processor to play games in a satisfying graphics quality. Compared to the Intel and AMD processors in the market, the models that offer satisfactory performance of AMD CPUs seem to be 6 core models. But Intel's quad-core processors are capable of delivering the performance offered by AMD's 6-core processors. To determine which one of these models to choose from, you will have to look through the hardware benchmarking sites for the current benchmark tests and conduct preliminary research.
3D Modeling and Render Purpose PC:
We recommend that you open your mouth on such computers as you would on gaming computers. It would also be right to know which processor technologies the software that you are going to render and model supports. Intel's proprietary technologies, such as hyper-threading, enable the sequencing of operations to be performed and execute multiple operations at the same time as a single kernel. In this case, rendering and modeling processes can be shorter. While dual-core processors can work on such systems, processors with 4 or more cores will offer more satisfying
The motherboard can be described as a component that we will install on other hardware of our computer and that will ensure that the mounted components work in a harmonious manner. Motherboard selection criteria can be listed as follows:
Socket Structure:
The most important thing to note when selecting motherboards is that our processor is compatible with the socket structure. If the processor socket of our motherboard is not compatible with the socket structure of our processor, it will not be possible to use that processor in our computer. The mainstreams also have compliance standards such as LGA 1155, 1150, LGA 2011 or AM3, Socket FM2 in conjunction with the socket structure of the processors. This compatibility criterion is the first item we need to consider when choosing a motherboard for our system.
Motherboard Feature:
We do not pay attention to the CPU compatibility of the motherboards. The second criterion is the motherboard structure. The mainstream can be in different sizes. The reason for this is to be able to meet all our needs or to produce more affordable anacourses. A criterion that can also determine how you will use a computer chassis.
Let's look briefly at the types of motherboards on the market:
-ATX Ancestors:
These can be defined as the basis for the standard measure of the mainstream. Most computers are also ATX-sized. The ATX anarchy is the structure that meets most computer needs. There are usually enough expansion slots for your RAM and multimedia cards on these motherboards. Another great advantage of ATX motherboards is the large number of fan power connections for your cooling systems.
-Micro ATX Anacities:
These are the slightly truncated versions of the ATX mainstream. More economical options on Micro-ATX motherboards include fewer RAM slots, less fan power, fewer expansion slots for multimedia cards, and fewer USB slots. These motherboards can be used with ATX casters. If you want to use a box that takes up less space, you can also choose the Micro-ATX size computer chassis with these motherboards.
-Extended ATX Anacities:
These are generally developed for special purpose computers such as servers and workstations. On these motherboards, the basic logic is to provide a number of RAM slots above the standard to accommodate the high workload of a server and to accommodate a large number of expansion slots for special expansion cards. Standard ATX casings can come small for Extended-ATX anacques.
-Micro ITX Anacities:
These are the smallest size among the mainstream. Developed for special-purpose systems without high performance expectations, these motherboards use very few expansion and RAM slots. These systems, which have fewer USB outlets, can be used in silent media player-type systems, automation systems, and systems that only perform certain operations.
Consider our motherboard selection criteria according to need categories:
Business PC:
The economical motherboard models of the Micro-ATX with dual RAM slots will see your business as these computers will not be heavier than the processor and graphics card. You can also choose a safe that occupies less space on this vault. Multimedia cards such as television cards will not be used on these computers, so additional expansion slots will not be needed.
Multimedia PC:
When choosing motherboards on these computers, you need to be aware of the following points:
USB port number
Sound card
Number of expansion slots for multimedia cards
Make sure you have enough USB output on your motherboard for devices that use a USB connection, such as a webcam, a USB charging extension cable, or a multimedia computer. If you want to use 5.1 sound system while watching movies on your computer, make sure your motherboard has a built-in sound card to meet this need. Another thing to note is that your motherboard has expansion slots where you can insert your multimedia cards like a TV card. Micro ATX anaaka is usually sufficient for such systems. However, if you are going to use a 5.1 sound system or if you are going to use more than one multimedia card, you may need an ATX motherboard with these features.
Game PC:
As these systems are built with high performance expectations, warming is becoming an important factor. You may need to use a number of fans on a game computer on the standard. For this reason it may be better to choose ATX anatomies instead of Micro ATX anaaka. In addition, the higher number of RAM slots on ATX cards can also help you make RAM upgrades in the future. In addition, ATX cards will work again if you use 5.1 sound system.
If you plan to create SLI or Crossfire systems using multiple video cards in your gaming PC,
It's a good idea to find out which Crossfire features you support. The motherboard supporting the dual display board is usually ATX dimensions. 3D Modeling and Render PC: The high RAM slot count is an indispensable criterion for such computers. Because of the RAM load of the Render and the modeling process, the higher the amount of RAM in these systems, the higher the efficiency you can get. In addition, the system will be under constant load during rendering and modeling process, so high heat will be emitted. In order to prevent this heat from becoming a serious problem during hot summer months, we recommend cooling your system with effective fans. All these needs can be met by a motherboard based on the ATX standard. We do not recommend using Micro ATX anatoms on modeling and render computers. Using dual graphics cards is a more efficient solution for modeling and render computers than for gaming computers. Once you have learned which modeling and rendering software you are using supports SLI or Crossfire technology, you can choose your motherboard accordingly.